June 18, 2024

Anna On Kodak Tri-X and Fuji X-Pro 3

Fuji X-Pro 3, Fuji Recipe, Portraits, Film

Film: Kodak Tri-X 400

I shot a few rolls of Tri-X on this shoot with my Canon EOS 1N. I used a light meter for most of the setups, but also relied on the screen of my Fuji X-Pro 3 to tell me a proper exposure--I matched the settings across both cameras. This probably wasn't the most accurate way to do this. But I'm still happy with the results.

I set this shoot up with Adrian a few months ago. We talked about styles, came up with a mood board, and decided that Anna was the best model for us for this shoot. Anna was a fantastic model. Great at what she does and a true professional. A link to both Adrian and Anna's portfolios are at the bottom of this post.

Fuji Recipe: Rust Roamer

Originally this was only supposed to be a film-only shoot. However, given my recent obsession with my Fuji and Fuji Recipes, I had to bring the X-Pro 3 as well.

Many of the shots are similar between the film and digital shots. Which ones do you prefer? Let me know by clicking CONTACT or leave me a message on one of my social media accounts linked on this page! I'd appreciate the feedback.

I wanted to use Rust Roamer for this one, and shot over-exposed by +2/3. I also had a homemade diffusion filter over the lens. I'll make a post some time about how I did that. It's essentially a poor-man's Black Mist filter. I was shooting with my favourite lens--the Fuji 35mm f/1.4.

I love the colours from this recipe. The warm highlights and the greenish shadows. All photos here are straight out of camera JPEGs.

Film Simulation: CLASSIC NEG

Grain Effect: STRONG/LARGE

Color Chrome Effect: WEAK

Color Chrome FX Blue: WEAK

White Balance: DAYLIGHT (+4, -6)

Dynamic Range: DR200*

Tone Curve: H:-2, S:+2

Color: -2

Sharpness: -2

Noise Reduction: -2

*I usually use DR400 for mostly everything. However, DR400 on this camera requires that I shoot at an ISO of 640. Since I was also shooting with Kodak Tri-X, which has an ISO of 400, I kept the settings the same on both cameras so that I could swap on the fly and keep my settings the same.

Info and Contacts:

Model: Anna Collini @anna_collini_

Shooting with me: Adrian Pagliaroli @adrianpags.psd

Studio: Toronto Shutterbugs: Hard Downtown Toronto Loft Link to Page

Camera used: Fuji X-Pro 3

Fuji Recipe: Rust Roamer